You Can Now Pin Your Ongoing Chats On WhatsApp...See How - Welcome To Techknow

You Can Now Pin Your Ongoing Chats On WhatsApp...See How

Whatever messaging app you use, you probably have more than a dozen ongoing chats, whether it’s a one-on-one chat or a group chat. This means you sometimes have to scroll through several chats before getting to the one you want to go to. That’s why pinned messages or chats is a useful feature for these kinds of apps. For some reason, WhatsApp did not have this but it looks like they’ve finally wised up as the beta update for the app has added the pinned chats feature.

If the idea of pinned chats is alien to you, it lets you have easy access to to a message or chat that is important to you by pinning them to the top of your app. So this means no matter how many other chats or messages come in, it will still be at the top. With the current version of WhatsApp, it only has a starred feature which is the closest to a pinned feature that you can get. But now some users have detected a pinned chat feature in the beta version of WhatsApp which means it may soon be coming to the main app itself.

The pinning feature works for both individual and group chats but is currently limited to only 3 pinned chats at once. They may add to this limit in the future, although of course having a lot of pinned chats on your messaging app may actually defeat the purpose of this feature.

No news yet as to when the pinned chat feature will be available to all WhatsApp users. But if you want to check this out now, you can get the WhatsApp beta so you can also test out new features that they initially bring to this version.

SOURCE: Reddit

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