If You Have One Of These 7 Things You Are Not Human
1. Can you roll your tongue?
To those who struggle to roll their tongues: you’re definitely not normal. Surprisingly, between 65 and 85 per cent of people worldwide can roll their tongue.
What a talented bunch we are.
2. Do you have red hair?
If you have red hair, you make up only 0.5 per cent of the population.
3 . Do you still have your wisdom teeth?
If you still have wisdom teeth knocking about then you're in the minority. A total of 65 per cent of people around the world have had all their wisdom teeth removed.
4. Are you left-handed?
According to LiveScience, only 15 per cent of the world's population is left-handed.
5. Are you married?
If you haven’t put a ring on it, you’re not so normal,because four in five adults worldwide are married.
6. Are you a February baby
February is the least popular month to be born. Most of us are born in August and September.
7. Do you drink milk?
Do you enjoy a glass of refreshing milk without any unwanted-effects? Well, you're truly are abnormal if you do, because 75 per cent of adults are lactose intolerant worldwide.
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